Gathering, 'Growing in Vision Together' PreRegister Required

Sunday, April 6, 2:00 pm until 3:30 pm
First Congregational Church, 18 Broad Street, Westfield, 01085-2902

Get ready to connect! Announcing the 2025 regional gatherings: GROWing in Vision Together events. Hosted by Rev. Darrell Goodwin, ECM, and Rev. Liz Garrigan-Byerly, EMACM, in each region of the Conference, these will be a time for local church leaders, clergy & Conference staff to deepen connection, strengthen covenant, and invigorate partnership.

This year’s gatherings will be structured similarly to those in 2023. Around various topics, Conference staff will share brief updates and inspiring stories and then participants will share with each other. "At the 2023 events, the energy in the rooms was palpable, and the conversations rich" said Liz Garrigan-Byerly.

While it is ideal to attend the event in your region so you have a chance to connect with local church leaders, you can come to any event that works for your schedule.( Mary Lyon Church is part of the Northwest Region.) We request that you register so that our hosts can adequately plan.
For registration page, CLICK HERE.